

To all of you who are keeping up with us and our blog, we are so excited about what we are doing! I’m sure all of you know that by now though. We are still waiting to hear from the Cade Foundation! It is day 11, and as we are now down to crunch time my nerves are on edge wondering what we will hear. (I suppose this is a normal feeling, and just shows that I am human!) I’m sure that in some ways that feeling will remain until we know, but strange as it may sound I also have peace in knowing that all of this is in the Lord’s hands. I hope we don’t bore anyone by posting pictures each day! I thought this would be a fun idea as we are filled with anticipation. IF we receive the grant we will only be left with raising a little less than $1,300.

$5 Friday – Late!

We’ve had a very busy day today, so we haven’t posted this until now. But it’s $5 Friday! Again, we ask that you share this with your friends and encourage them to share with theirs. I did some checking the other day, and with what we have received so far, we only need a little less than $1,300 IF we get the grant!

We would also like to thank all of you again for your financial help and support, and especially your prayers!


Let The Countdown Begin!

14 Days to Project Makeover 2011 DS

I just thought I would give everyone a heads up. On October 15th we will find out if we will receive the grant from the Cade Foundation! We are excited to see what will happen, but I suppose we are also a little apprehensive at the same time. We are trying to not get our hopes up, but I have to be honest and say it’s a little (lot) hard not to. I have to say if this is the way to learn patience, I haven’t been the biggest fan! While I have to say this has not always been the easiest path we know this is the one He has laid out for us. I pray that someday, maybe, somehow, these events in our lives will help mold us into what HE wants us to be, and we will be able to be a blessing and help to some other family facing this same difficulty. In the mean time LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN!! Hopefully in two weeks I will be sharing a post that says we are Maryland bound. 🙂