I can let myself imagine seeing this new little one….tears of joy streaming. Even though I have 8 grandchildren to date, this new little one will bring just as much joy……maybe more so as our family and others have prayed and waited so long.
I’m so thankful for a family who loves God and I know we’ve all been praying and trusting together about this situation.
We laugh together, cry together, hurt for each other, joy in each other.
I, we, all know that the Lord we serve knows what’s best for us…what we need…even though many times we just don’t understand. That’s where faith comes in. God has our lives all planned out. He knows. So we must love and serve Him…and trust.
Even though this is MY son and his wife, I must say I KNOW they will be wonderful parents. I KNOW they love the Lord and desire so much to have a child to love and raise for His honor and glory.
So, please join with us in prayer that the Lord might see fit to allow them….and our family to have the desire of all our hearts.
God is good…..all the time~